Immediate Need
Did someone you know pass away?
When the death of a loved one has occurred, whether a family member or friend it is never an easy experience. We are here to help and guide you through what your next steps should be, 24/7, 365 days a year.
For Immediate assistance call 403-687-3300
Below is a basic checklist of important information we will require at our arrangement conference:

Personal Information:
To prepare the death certificate and register the death, the funeral director will require the deceased’s Social Insurance Number, Alberta Health Care Number and Birth Certificate.

Vital Statistics:
Names of the deceased’s parents, mother’s maiden name and their places of birth are also required to prepare a death certificate.

Time & Date of Death:
If the deceased resides at a care home or hospice resident, the time of death is usually established by the caregiver who will provide the funeral director with the exact date and time the death occurred. If the deceased passed away elsewhere, the funeral home will contact the physician for the required information and paperwork.
Serving Southern Alberta
PHONE: (403) 687-3300